Rays of Sonshine Services
- Intensive long-term impatient treatment
- Individual counseling
- Family reunification
- Smoking cessation
- Communication with CPS, drug courts & probation
- Adult education, Pre GED, college prep, job readiness, tutoring, Key Train, Career 101, job placement
- Physical education in Monroe area including bowling, swimming, tennis, volleyball, hiking, museums
- Educational groups for family members and other support
- Parenting classes
- Women's health
- Character development
- Relapse prevention
- Life skills training: budgeting, cooking, house maintenance, meal planning, time management, food safety
- Transportation
- Child care at residence
- Provision of clothing, toys, hygiene products, housewares, and other items for those who need them
- Referrals to local mental and medical health clinics
- Opportunities to learn job skills while completing community service tasks within our organization
- Peer Council: privilege/discipline oversight, social planning, program input, quality control surveys
- Drug-free social activities
- Aftercare and alumnae support
- Free CPR and First Aid certification
- Opportunity to train as behavioral instructors or residential staff

Some people dream of success.
We make it happen.